ENTKNOTEN – Beratungsstelle gegen Alltagsrassismus und Diskriminierung

ENTKNOTEN – Counseling center against everyday racism and discrimination

You can defend yourself against discrimination!

  • A flat is not rented out to you?
  • Your application hasn’t been considered?
  • Employees of the authorities didn’t treat you fair?
  • Are you treated with disrespect?
  • You aren’t served in shops/banks?

If you are not treated equally to others due to your ethnic background, your nationality or religion, this is called discrimination.

Discrimination is prohibited. You have certain rights and you can defend yourself.

We support you!

We listen to you. If you wish so, we can search for possible solutions together and assist you with all the steps it takes. We ….

  • do research
  • write complaints
  • accompany you
  • support you with taking legal action
  • make discrimination public

We offer you individual and confidential counseling that is free of charge. If you wish so it can be made anonymously. We work independently and don’t do anything without your consent. If there is the need for it we can pay travel costs and organize translations.

Here you can get some general information, get in contact with us and schedule a counseling session or you can report a case of discrimination.